8 rules; tag by nikki..

The rules :
Link to your tagger and post these rules.
List 8 random facts about yourself and tagged 8 people.

1) Ordinary + simple gurl.
2) Love listening to r&b and hip hop song very much
3) Love black + pink color.
4) Addicted with chocolate.
5) Love high heels and wedges.
6) Love hangout + holiday.
7) Love beach.
8) Love being single.


First name :

· Clara Emily Cancer

Name you wish you had :

· Lily..

What do people normally your name as :

· Mielia, Lia, Lya, Ya, Emily, Triple ‘H’.

Birthday :

· 22 nd June 1987.

Birthplace :

· Hospital Bersalin Pulau Pinang.

Time of birth :

· 10.09 pm.. at night..

Single :

· I love being single ..

Zodiac sign :

· I am Cancer gurl.


How tall are you :

· 163 cm height.

Wish you were taller :

· I want to be stewardess or super model ..

Eye color :

· Brown .. I think so..

Current hair color :

· Black..

Short or long hair :

· Long hair..

Ever dye your hair a bizarre color :

· Yes I do..

Last time you did something dramatic with you hair :

· I just dye my hair and rebonding.. never doing anything other that..

Glasses or contact :

· I’m not wearing both of that.

Paint your nails :

· Long time a go.. now, I wear it if I want to.. I am too lazy to take care of my nail.. =p


Flowers or chocolates :

· I want both of that. Can I ?

Pepsi or coke :

· I prefer coke.. I love Coca Cola!!

Rap or rock :

· Both of them. I am universal listener.

Relationship or one night stand :

· I prefer serious relationship !!

School or work :

· Work !! I can get more money and become more independent woman..

Love or money :

· Both of them are important !!

Movie or music :

· I love movie and music.. I love watching movies.. No music no life..

Country or city :

· Country & city..

Sunny or rainy days :

· Sometimes I love sunny day.. sometimes I love rainy days..

Friends or family :

· I love all my family and my friends..


Lie :

· Sometimes.. hehe =p

Stole something :

· I think I never stole something..

Smoked :

· Never in my life.. I hate smoke ..

Hurt someone close to you :

· Dunno..

Broke someone’s heart :

· People always broke my heart.. Pity me =(

Had you heart broken..

· U r my heartbreaker.. I am heart broken..

Wonder what was wrong with you :

· Dunno..

Wish you were prince or princess :

· I wish I become a princess.. =)

Like someone who was taken :

· Never .. for what ?? Its not mine right?

Shaved your head :

· Never.. I love my long hair..

Used chopstick :

· Sometimes if I eat sushi..

Sang in the mirror to yourself :

· Dunno.. Maybe.. =)


Flower :

· I love roses..

Candy :

· All kind of candy.. =)

Song :

· Broken – Seether feat Amy Lee

Scent :

· Flowers & fruits..

Color :

· I love black & pink very much..

Movie :

· Action, horror, comedy, musical, romantic, love story, & animation.. I AM MOVIES ADDICTER..

Singer :

· Beyonce Knowles & Miley Cyrus I think.. I love singer who have a great vocal and interesting ..

Junk food :

· I love Mr Potatao & Cadbury =)

Website :

· www.myspace.com/claracancer
· http://profiles.friendster.com/claracancer
· http://claracancer.hi5.com
· http://tagged.com/claracancer
· http://www.facebook.com/people/Clara-Emily/1520599394

location :

· shopping mall, kopitiam, beach & my home..

animal :

· I love cat, hamster & small fish in aquarium.. =)


Ever cried over someone :

· Dunno.. maybe sumtimes..

Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself :

· Of course.. I wish many things.. dunno how to describe.. =)

Do you think you’re attractive :

· Dunno.. people can judge me.. =) I just a simple gurl..

If you had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose :

· Little mermaid I think.. =P

Do you play any sport :

· Badminton, netball, futsal, petanque.. I guess so.. =P

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