medium sadness =(

Anyway xde mood nak berblogging..
Hati nie sedih je.
Ntah nape.
Sedih dengan ape yang jadi sejak 2 3 hari nie..

Medium sadness =(

Perlukan kata peransang nie.
Xde mood nak wat pape pun =(

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  1. alolo...nape ni..kuatkan smgt k...aggp je sume tu dugaan hdup...kite kn coOl..lek la always with u dear...

  2. liezza,
    tenkiu liza..
    ntahle rs sedih sgt..
    xtaw nk ckp cmne..
    tgh men'cool'kan diri nie..
    tenangkan fikiran..
    ko la kwn baik aku..
    nnti dh kawen pn jgn lupa aku k..

  3. hey.. cheer up girl.. u'll be strong enough to go through things. cheer! mind over matter.

  4. hahn,
    thank you my friend, hanif..
    i want to happy happy happy!!

  5. clara..
    don't worry! u will be happy! anything can be control by our mind..just be positive...

    erkk..i suka baju yang tengah..
    simple..dapat membawa imej gadis mmg tiga2 cantik pun..beli tiga2 lah..hehehe!

    (windu nak lepak sambil kutuk mamak kapitan T_T)

  6. adamLUBA,
    thankz a lot adam..
    u r da best person =)

    i pun suka sgt bj yg tgh tuh..
    nmpk cam cool jer..
    menarik kan..
    ala boyish skit..

    (p/s : adam mmg x sbr nk kutuk mamak kapitan yg x faham bahasa tuh..)

  7. Shafie,
    i had a little bit prob..
    but its okay..
    makin hari makin better..

    thank you be my friend shafie =)
