killers, miss stripey & amorito

Hye guys,


Last weekend, having fun wacthing movie at Gurney Plaza.
Killers by Ashton Kutcher & Katherine Heigl.
Genre: Action / Comedy
Not a great movie.
5 star for this movie.
Tak boleh lawan movie Prince of Persia.

Anyway my i bought my new blazer.
Black and white
Miss stripey
Just log on to
Sudah terpengaruh dengan shopping online.
Pantang tengok baju cantik-cantik.

Me wearing Miss stripey blazer from Miss OCD, Red singlet and jeans from Kitchen, Black handbag and necklace from Forever 21, Wedges from Voir Shoes.

Salah satu hobi window shopping.
Sifat semulajadi perempuan kut.
Pantang tengok handbag, baju, kasut, mesti pandang tak lepas.
Memandangkan ekonomi yang tak okay.
Hajat simpan dulu.
Huwaaaa ;-)
Apsal lah barang cantik, diskaun gila-gila time kepokaian melanda nie.

Jalan-jalan window shopping,
ada sale kat Body shop.
Memang hari tuh nak beli something dari Body Shop.
Ada diskaun 30% and 50% baik beli je kan.

And lastly i bought my perfume from Body Shop.
Smell like Chocolate Vanilla.
Bau memang tahan lama dari pagi sampai malam.


P/S ;
1) Busy with my work. Making tender report. Person who studying & working as Quantity Surveyor like me only knows how my works.
2) Half of my picture credit to Che ant.

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  1. i pun shoppping online babe...
    i pakai body shop jugak...
    tak sempat jumpa balik penang hari tu dear..

  2. ♥ Vee Violet ♥,
    ade website yg pasal baju y kasut ke.
    vee kongsi r dgn lia.
    tula body shop da best kan.
    aritu vee balk sbb ade hal kan.
    hrp 1 day dpt jupe nnti.

  3. ardinihumaira,
    tima kasih byk2.

  4. cikzuzu,
    best meh zuzu.
    mcm cadbury je.
    manis je bau..
    ko jeles r tuh..

  5. best shopping2 time manyak duit + manyak diskaun :D

  6. esofagus,
    yerla tp duit tak banyak la.
    pokai dh nie.
    kalau byk dh lama shopping.

  7. wah cepat nya update..huks :)
    tapi bau coklat body shop ni memang tahan lama and best lar

  8. shah mosh,
    cmne tau bau tahan lama nie.
    che ant pakai ke.

  9. keh3, dari poli kau guna itu cokolat, aku mesti kenal punya

  10. cikzuzu,
    yerla zu.
    sedap tau bau tuh.
    bau manis..
