One of my bestfriends, Liezza told me that she can log on to my blog.
I don't know what problem.
because I am using Mozilla Firefox.
When i reach home, I online using Google Chrome.
Certainly cannot entering to my blog.

Firstly, the website show that
'Warning : Visiting this site may harm your computer'
Now I understand why my blog cannot enter.
Once ago, I also active in
Now, this website already invaded.
Every member of cannot visit this website.
& it caused all members have a same problem.
Cannot enter their own personal blog using Google Chrome.

I got the solution for this problem.
Just click 'right' at
'I understand that visiting this site may harm your computer'

Then, click at
'Proceed Anyway'

My blog can entering like normal.
Thank you Silent reader ;-)
P/S : Using Mozilla Firefox for safety.